Friday, February 21, 2020

Incentive Plan Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Incentive Plan - Research Paper Example Difficulties can serve to make the team members closer and more loyal to one another; group motivation – the driving force that pushes the group forward to accomplish goals; group recognition – acknowledging the group for accomplishing goals; and group cooperation – when the individual group members combine efforts to achieve a common goal (Shepard, 2010). An important aspect of the Humanistic Era is the theorists that worked to find mechanisms within the organization to engage and reward employees for their work in accomplishing organizational goals, leading compensation and incentive programs to become popular during that time. The employee incentive program has remained an important tool to drive employee performance to leverage organizational goals. The Employee Incentive Program is described in a summary and a PDF found on the Boeing website (Boeing, 2011a; Boeing, 2011b). The official Plan document is the final â€Å"controlling document† when a read er may be in doubt as to a reference (Boeing, 2011b, para. 1). Only plan participants are legally entitled to a copy of the plan document.

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Computer Training Program at Fortis Hospital Assignment

Computer Training Program at Fortis Hospital - Assignment Example This has resulted in the increasing numbers of the customer complaints regarding the services of the help desk. This kind of services is not at all expected from the super luxury hospital like Fortis, Bangalore. in issue is tarnishing the image of the organization. I feel staffs of the help desk need training or development program for mitigating this issue permanently. My instructional strategy will be direct. In this training program I will directly train all the staffs related with the help desk of the hospital. The training will be done in shift wise, one shift will start from the 10.30 in the morning and will continue till 1 pm in the afternoon and the second shift will start from the 2 pm and will continue up to 4.30 pm. The whole training program will be held in the IT wing of the hospital. During the course of the training Power Point presentation will be used and all the practical demonstrations will be done with the help of computers. Each and every staffs will be given one computers where they can practice all their technical demonstrations. The cost of the training will be reasonable (Beardwell and Claydon, 2010). Power point presentation and projector will not cost high amount of money for the organization. Photo copy of the training material will be given to each and every staff of the help desk. This training program will continue for three days. At the end of the third day a simple evaluation will be done for assessing the outcome of the training. The whole training procedure will be conducted in a supportive and cooperative manner. All the staffs of the help desk are the audiences for this training program. Here all the staffs are adult and have minimum of 2 years of working experiences related with this field.